News Feed 11 - 17 - 2015

Environmental Investigation Agency(EIA) has created this video. The video shows how poisonous and dangerous Dall’s porpoise and dolphin meat can be for human consumption.

From the Oscar winning documentary producers of “The Cove”, Mercury Rising explores mercury in the food we eat and vaccinations, and the dangers of mercury and the links to health problems such as mercury poisoning, and autism. Click “Read more” to view:

(日本語) メイヤー・アイゼンスタイン博士がゲストのアレックス・ジョーンズ・テレビ。
Dr. Mayer Eisenstein on Alex Jones TV 1/6: What’s in the Vaccine Shots?
Broadcast at 1:00PM-2:30PM CST on Tuesday, August 25th, 2009.

(日本語) Dr. Russell Blaylock on Alex Jones TV 1/8:Vaccines Link to Brain Disorder?

I put English captions and Japanese translations on the video. Please let me know if you find some mistakes. Thanks!

The following site shows a conversation between Mike Adams and Dr. Russell Blaylock discussing on excitotoxin such as MSG. They help grow and spread cancer and cause diarrhea, brain damage, heart disease. He also explains MSG works completely differently than naturally occurring ones in one’s body.

(日本語) Dr. Russell Blaylock on Alex Jones TV 1/8:Vaccines Link to Brain Disorder?

broadcast date: 1:00PM2:45PM Tuesday, September 4th, 2009.

Dr. Russell Blaylock’s site is here:

(日本語) 感染症専門医・ホルト-フ博士が、水銀系保存料・チメロサールの 危険性について発言しています。途中アナウンサーが博士が何か言 おうとしたときに、さえぎる様に「チメロサ-ル」といっています 。